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How to Use the HTML H1 Tags With Your Keywords to Rank High on the Search Engines

 The Title tag of your website is the single most important element on your site as far as search engines are concerned. It must be optimized with your keywords to rank high on the search engine result pages. There is some discussion amongst SEO professionals whether the Title tag should be used or not. The answer is that you should use it and then you can decide whether you want to use H1 or not.

How to Use Html Title Tags for Ranking High in Search engines Dubai

The reason I say you should use the Title tag is that it is used by the search engines as the title of your listing on the search engine result pages. Of course if somebody searches for your company name it will appear as the first line of the listing and you want your as much as possible to be indexed for the search terms being searched. There is some evidence that the search engines refrain from listing your company name within the body of the results pages if they have another listing within the SERPs.

It is not clear exactly what the search engines are looking for in a well crafted Title tag. With as many different possible factors at play I'm not sure we will ever really get to a true understanding of what they are looking for. After all, the search engines aren't going to reveal all of their top secrets.

The Description tag is a better way to present your site information and entice visitors to click through to your site. This tag should be a true representation of what is on the page, and should be written so as to make a point and seem interesting to readers.

Make your rules and high points clear: I'm not sure if there is a specific length for the description tag, but write it big so that people can understand what your site is about. This could be the first impression a visitor has of your site. Make it interesting and eye-catching.

Try to make your Description tag more specific than a Title tag: Most search engines list the Title tag and the description tag so they are effectively one and the same. If you separate them use this method:


Your Company is an ENGINE ROADINGcompany who takes a lot of pride in our manufacturing process and research, here is a little story from our archives to illustrate: "More than 30 years ago we were producing engines and diffractories. To build our customer base and make profit we invested in a advertising campaign. This company invested $10,000 to advertise in editors and a variety of media toward the end of the year. Then in the first quarter of 1997, with a total investment of less than $100,000, we had more than 775,000 customers visit our companies via the Internet." Here you see the saving grace of saving money. instead of $10,000 you can spend $7,000 and get the same amount of customers.she quotes.

See how the company saved money. They have savings over the year and the yearly advertising budget is reduced from $ lists to $1,000 or so. They have de-indexed the sites they used to advertise with. Since the goal of the site owner is to make income, they can do this in less than one quarter of the cost of buying the ads in a quarter. This is the secret to simplified advertising.

Now, you might be thinking this is all great, but I just want to point out something. If these save a quarter of the cost of buying ads, aren't they receiving a better value than buying ads?

They are. But buy an ad and write persuasive copy, it's hard to beat a coordinated AdWords campaign. In these save, if you de-indexed the site on the front end, you will have a better return than buying the space on the back end. There is a collected information of de-indexing online that is quite useful.

One last thing: when you de-index a site, it is still indexed on the search engines. It just isn't listed. In an ideal world, you would not have to do this. You would be able to get the outbound links and the inbound links like other sites. On the Internet, you can do just about anything you want!

One last point: if Google ever thinks you are not playing fairly, you could end up in a worse position than this. You could be de-indexed on a blow-off as soon as the search engines realize what has happened. de-indexing a site on a whim is not a major risk. player search engines make money by manipulating or gaming the algorithms, not because they refuse to index sites.

Look at your own traffic and how you think traffic affects your web sites future success. If you change hosts, you will lose traffic. If you stop allowing comments on your blog, you will lose traffic.

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