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5 Easy Steps to Purchase Pre-Approbated Web Site Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

To have your pre-Approved Web Site Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plan realized, you need to put in some time, money, and effort. You will need a plan, a set of tasks, and a strategy. You also need to have a fully worked out plan where you have accomplished each of the following steps necessary to get your Web Site optimized and pre-approved by the search engines. By doing so, you should rank much higher in the search engine result pages (SERPs) - all this without spending any money.

Here's a checklist of the Top 5 SEO Considerations, the most important of which is to checkout your Web Site to see if it is pre-approved. The checklist includes suggestions based on experience, SE observation, and hard won experience. By following the Top 5 SEO Considerations, you should get the #1 spot on the SERPs, and that should be enough said...

Whether you pay a company to prepare, do it yourself, or do it with your own review - make sure that these Top 5 SEO Considerations are part of your Final Articles for Pre-Approved Web Site Search Engine Optimization.

Seo tips Dubai

Include the pre-approved keywords in the URL of your Web Site.

Include the pre-approved keywords in the visible title on your Web Site.

Include the pre-approved keywords in the H1 heading tag of your Web Site.

Include the pre-approved keywords in the anchor text of your links to other pre-approved Web Sites and drive traffic from them to your site.

Make sure you have included the pre-approved keywords in the body of your pre-approved articles.

Make sure you have included the keywords in the Meta description tag and the Meta keyword tag as the HTML equivalent of your H1 heading and H2 or H3 headline tags.

Make sure you have used the keywords throughout the content of your pre-approved articles.

Include at least one instance of the pre-approved keywords Throughout the body of your article.

Include references to the pre-approved keywords in any photos or graphics on your Web Site.

Try to make sure that you use the pre-approved keywords on any images on your Web Site.

Submit articles to at least 5 popular article directories with hyperlinks linking back to your site.

Post on at least one popular forums and include a link to your Web Site.

Place a link to your Web Site in your signature on any paid forums that allow it.

Post on any social networks like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, or Wikipedia and add a link back to your Web Site.

 Give Google a reason to give you a higher page rank.

Make sure your Web Site contains no more than 300 internally links, and no more than 12 external links from any one page.

Make sure you do not spam search engines by over submitting to the same sites, or using link farms or other link schemes.

Make sure that you have no more than 10,000 competing outbound links on a page where your keywords have been used.

Avoid "click here" links, instead use links like "Send us your suggestions" or "Contact Us". Be sure to use descriptive words in your anchor text.

Ask Web Sites to place links to your site in theirs. Be sure to use different anchor text for each link.

Click on links to learn about how to get a link back to your site.

Make sure to review search engine optimization certification training.

Use article marketing strategies to get one-way links to your site.

Choose realistic keywords for your Website, instead of ranking for keywords that are in excessive demand.

structure your site so that large blocks of content exist on each page. blocks of content exist on each page.

make sure that pages are accessible from the homepage by using site maps.

viewers are given substantial information about your products and services before they make a purchase.

GOOG-CSS (Google Webmaster Optimization)

o submit latest version of your Web site to major search engines submit latest version of your Web site to major search engines submit your Web site address to (as many possible search engines as possible).o check for broken links in your site submit your Web site address to (as many possible search engines as possible).o submit your error page to webmasters.

You can study and research keywords that have good search results and determine which keywords you want to use, but in order to do this, you'll need to do some research yourself.

Find The Best Keywords And Key Phrases

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and ask yourself, "What would I search for if I am looking for my product or services?"

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