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Keyword Density, Do You Know What It Is? How is it useful in SEO ?

If you are new to online business or creating a new website, you may have heard the term "keyword density" once. This term refers to the number of times your target keywords appear on your web site. Keywords should appear in your content enough to be noticed by search engine spiders, but at a reasonable frequency. The suggested percentage of the keyword to the total word count of the page, including text and graphics, should be no more than 2%.

Seo - All about Keyword Density

If you've done any research on search engine optimization, you've probably heard a lot about keywords. Keywords are a very important part of search engine optimization. Not only are keywords highlight specific search terms, like the highlighted text in a search engine result, but they help to emphasize a theme and target keyword phrases.

Keywords should be strategically used in your content across your site. But, there are a few whose job it is to focus on just the keywords. It is your site and your content, not only to the search engine spiders, but also to the people reading your site. Too much repetition can make your site unreadable.txt and it may be flagged as spam.

When you are trying to decide how to best use your keywords, ask yourself a simple question: Would you read your site if there were no search terms? It may sound too naive, but there's a surprising amount of people who would try to trick their site to get hits. After all, legitimate businesses rely on theirHidden phenomenal traffic tactic-sabotaging the search engines to gain more visibility. The search engines want you to bring your site back to them by making it seem popular. This is why it is so important to give them the very best site to show your traffic.

Keywords can be utilized in your hidden content. All that is required is that you have the ability to find words. The words are part of your keyword phrase.

Keywords are utilized in the title and descriptions. If the title or description is simply the name of your business or site, this is not as keyword friendly as it could be.


Keywords should be used throughout the entire web page. You may want to use a short sentence or two, just to catch the reader's attention if the content is, in fact, long. You can include the keywords in various ways. You can use them in the article title, the lead paragraph, and a few times in the body of the article. It is important that you include the keyword phrases throughout the article so that the article does not sound too repetitive.

Help the search engines understand

It's essential that you help the search engines understand what your web page is about. You can make the engines start by naming the page accurately. Then you can help them by including the keyword in the title of the page and in the heading. The heading is the first text that the search engine will see, so the name of your business will be the first thing the engines see.

Search for the keyword

You can make the search engines even more aware of your web pages by including the keyword in your webpage title. You should also try to include the keyword in the anchor text of links. How this will affect you is the determine how popular your site is by including the search terms in your title.

It's also beneficial to have your keyword included in the URL. If you have a page entitled "," then you are making good use of your keywords.

Don't overuse keywords

Some SEO experts are grain of salt and believe that you must use your keywords or phrases as much as possible to receive a high search engine ranking. While there is nothing wrong with using keywords, it isn't necessary for you to overuse them. While the strategy has been around for years, it seems that some people are Entering SEO competitions and using these strategies to get to the top of search engine results.

Using keywords too much will cause the search engines to believe that you are nothing but an automation firm sending out automated queries to artificially boost your ranking. They hope to win over the search engines but if they win, you won't be happy about it. It is important that you can distinguish what the search engines are looking for.

You won't be able to get the full potential of keywords unless you use them without flaws. While they are very important, if you structure your web site in a non- semantic manner, you may be penalized for excessive keyword use. Structure your site in the manner of a linguator and you will be fine.

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