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Keyword Optimization - 4 Steps to Master the Process

Once you've conducted a thorough analysis of a keyword and provided it to us, you'll want to put it to work and optimize it for your website. There are 4 steps to doing so:

1. Find a Keyword

You can use free services like Google's Keyword tool to find the keywords that a. You can view the results on a map. If you're viewing this on a mobile, keep the map on the right side of your mobile browser - not the top.

B. brainstorm

C. analyze

D. define

E. Experience

Keywords Optimization - Mastery

Once you've established a list of potential keywords, what you're looking for now is to find the keywords that are searched for the most. retargeting is one way of doing this. Let's say you're a real estate agent in Atlanta and you want to capture the traffic that searches for "Atlanta real estate." Once you've established this, you can go to Google and search for " Atlanta real estate." Depending on the competition for that keyword, you'll start to see how many people are searching for it and, therefore, how many people will actually visit your site.

You can then take those keywords and go to the down side - optimize your website and generate inbound links.

2. Sitebaby

With the nurture of a domain, you can start creating very effectively the kinds of keyword- implication relationships you want to set up on your website. Be sure to start with as many of your keywords as possible.

You should be certain to note that successful keyword optimization is never complete. You'll need to add keywords or keywords phrases to your list every so often to keep your site fresh and keep the search engines from fining you for those.

3. Refine

Once you have your list of keywords, you will need to start refining it - searching for similar or related keywords outside of your initial list to create content around. This will help to create a site that is properly optimized.

Being sure to plan out your website will help you to keep it nicely optimized!

4. Think Conception

Once you have chosen your keywords and have your website up and running, start looking at potential ways of approaching the content you have already written. Each new page should be designed to drive traffic to connect to potential customers looking for your products or services.

A new kid on the block ain't gonna cut it.

These are some of thedollarages you can get from Keyword Optimization. You can even use these little moves to get free traffic from your articles and blogs.

So to know how exactlyto go about optimizing your keywords, you'll first need to be familiar with some of the most productive searches within Google:

"keyword phrase"

This is how you know you're onto a ' '.

This will show you how many people were Utilized for a given keyword. So if I typed in " , " instead of a keyword I would type in keyword phrase. " , " and then a bunch of billboard companies were Utilized for that phrase. What this will show you is exactly how successful the keywords are and how much competition you're up against while doing so. Is it any wonder that you want to focus on these?

%, " "", "", "", "", "", etc.

Keyword Optimization-0 words-30 words-500 words

Keyword Optimization:analysing keywords and how to use them correctly.

Keyword Density Analysis-the percentage of words in a document that are keywords.

Keyword Optimization:web crawlers don't understand pictures and part of Google algorithm.

Keyword Spam-this will hurt your site in the long run.

Keyword Ranking Analysis-this will show you exactly where you stack up as far as page rank.

Description meta tag-write a describe and title tag for each page and make them unique!

Keyword Research-use related keywords and check keyword density and competition.

Keyword Density Analysis-cheating will get you shut out of search engines.

Keyword Re Audit-build your ranks by having at least one keyword in your domain name and one keyword in the title of your page.

Link Popularity-building. The more links you have to your website, the better. That's it.

Reciprocal Links-search for high quality partners and exchange your links.

Why should we exchange links?

Search Engine Optimization:It is always best to have one way links to come to your website. That can raise your rank among the other websites.

High Quality Links-quality links that come from websites with high pr and page rank already members in your topic. The higher the quality of these links the higher your ranks in Google.

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